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About Madeline


During the summer of 2016 Maddi became very ill with a case of E-coli that developed into HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome). She spent 29 days in the hospital, received multiple blood and plasma transfusions and many, many days of dialysis. She was kept in isolation for the entire stay.


Maddi received many gifts during our hospital stay. Her favorite gifts were the shawls and blankets that comforted her. After her recovery she wanted to share that comforting feeling with other children who are hospitalized or just need a little support. So we started Maddi's Lovelies to share that cozy feeling. The "lovelies" part of our name comes from one our many caring doctors who always looked at Maddi and said "you look lovely today".


All of our blankets are hand made right here in Oregon by Maddi, Bobbi and Maddi's grandmother with locally purchased materials. For every blanket and shawl sold a donation is made to a children's hospital to comfort other children. 


Thank you very much for your support – Maddi and Bobbi

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